Peterson Paletta Balice

3 Tips to Remember While Estate Planning

Grand Rapids & Ionia Attorneys

Estate Planning Attorneys Ionia Grand Rapids MI

While estate planning, it can be upsetting to discuss your preferences for end-of-life care. But it’s a conversation you need to have with your attorney and loved ones while you’re still in good health. That way, your loved ones can respect your decisions for medical care and finances right up to the end.

Here are our top three tips to remember while estate planning.

1. Discuss Your Final Wishes with Your Family

Your estate plan will contain an advance directive and other legal documents. But it helps for your loved ones to hear your final wishes from you, not an attorney. Discussing your final wishes with your family is a tough but worthwhile conversation.

The goal is to empower your family so they can make decisions on your behalf that reflect your final wishes. It’s also an opportunity to explain the reasoning behind your choices.

Certain topics like resuscitation and life support may be especially difficult to discuss. That’s why talking about them in person can help your loved ones come to terms with your decisions. It’ll also help prevent any future misunderstandings.

2. Appoint a Financial Power of Attorney

A financial power of attorney will handle your finances if you’re incapacitated. Depending on your circumstances, this could mean physical and/or mental incapacitation.

Our advice is to choose a financial power of attorney with great care. They should be trustworthy and good at managing financial matters. That way, they’ll be able to pay bills and handle other financial duties on your behalf.

They should also be strong enough to respect your final wishes, even if the family disagrees. Our estate planning attorneys can help you determine the best candidates for the job.

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3. Appoint a Healthcare Power of Attorney

It’s not uncommon for family members to disagree about what is best for end-of-life care. That’s why you need to choose someone strong enough to carry out your final wishes, even if others oppose. A person who makes medical decisions on your behalf is called a healthcare power of attorney.

Appoint a healthcare power of attorney while you’re still in good health and sound mind. Also, be sure to choose someone who will be able to make any tough decisions aligned to your final wishes.

You can have the same person be the power of attorney for healthcare and finances. But some of our clients choose to split up these responsibilities between two people.

Our estate planning lawyers can help you determine what is best for your unique circumstances. They’ll also be able to answer any questions you may have about your estate plan.

Request a Legal Consultation

Our estate planning attorneys in Grand Rapids and Ionia are ready to help. Whether you need to write a will or an advance directive, you can trust our many years of experience. To request a legal consultation, please call Peterson Paletta Balice today. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our legal team will reach out to you soon.

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